Thursday, February 11, 2010

Time Is Passing Too Quickly!

This has been another busy and fun day. At 8 am we were told that we had a visitor. A lovely lady we had chatted with at U of G brought us fresh papayas from her yard. A little while later,General Ed Perez, husband of Ann's classmate, Priscilla Toves Perez, brought us chimangas (sp?) and star apple (star fruit). He said that the fact that everything is thriving so abundantly, and the fact that they are not bothered by brown tree snakes, is an indication that she is "at one with the earth." (my verbiage) He paid quite a tribute to Mimi and Tom and their fabulous "jungle."
We had the interview with the newspaper. That story will be featured in tomorrow's paper. Then we went to Island Living, a store with exquisite things from Bali. After that we had lunch at one of Mimi's favorite restaurants, a Chinese one. Our lunch was yummy!
Before long we were off again,this time to Ritidian Beach in the northern part of the island. It was rather rocky, so we did not really swim, but the water and sand were just beautiful. As we approached the beach, we went through a jungle, and right before our eyes was a bevy of beautiful black butterflies. The fact that they were unexpected just added to the pleasure of the moment.
Tonight Lupe called from her home in Chula Vista, CA, to say that she had gotten home safely. We were glad to hear from her.
Also, tonight, Mimi and Tom had an unsettling event: they were driving their truck when the wheel came off. Thank goodness no one was hurt.
One of the blooms on their night-looming cereus is expected to open tonight at 8 pm. I am afraid that Ann will miss it. She has been asleep since 6:30 pm.
We will be flying out on Sunday, rather than Monday, in order to have more time with Dabney and Tyler. It will be hard to say good-bye to Mimi and Tom and Opal and all the friends we have made on Guam.

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